What is Gynecomastia?
Gynaecomastia, as a word, describes the feminine breast growth seen in men. Although this condition, which is extremely aesthetically disturbing for men, can occur for many different reasons, no underlying cause can be found in the majority of cases (idiopathic gynaecomastia). Physiological gynaecomastia (i.e. idiopathic) can occur at three different stages of life: in newborns, during adolescence and in old age. In pathological gynaecomastia, there is a pathological condition that enlarges the breast and if this is treated, the breast can return to normal. The most common causes of pathological gynaecomastia are cirrhosis, malnutrition (poor and inadequate nutrition), tumours (testicular tumours, lung carcinomas, pituitary adenomas), hyper and hypothyroidism, kidney diseases. In addition, the use of some plasters can also cause gynaecomastia; marijuana, cimetidine, diazem, reserpine, estrogen, digoxin, theophylline, etc... The disease may regress and disappear spontaneously due to puberty (puberty) or plast use. However, spontaneous regression is not seen in such long-term conditions.

Gynecomastia Treatment in Izmir
Tumors and pseudogynecomastia should be considered in the differential diagnosis in disease cases. Pseudo gynecomastia is the enlargement of breast volume in men as a result of fat accumulation. While anamnesis, physical examination and ultrasonography are generally sufficient for diagnosis, a biopsy should also be performed in case of suspicion of a tumor. Gynecomastia alone is not a cause of breast cancer. In other words, subsequent transformation into cancer due to the enlargement of the mammary glands is out of the question. The only exception is kleinefelter syndrome. Gynecomastia may turn into cancer in individuals with this syndrome.
Gynecomastia literally describes feminine breast enlargement seen in men. Although this condition, which is very aesthetically disturbing for men, can occur for many different reasons, in most cases the underlying cause is the most common complications of gynecomastia surgery: hematoma (blood accumulation in the breast), seroma (fluid accumulation), infection and breast cancer. It is a situation where your head collapses. These can be eliminated without causing major problems with appropriate timely interventions.
I'm so afraid of getting anesthesia?
Gynecomastia surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the doctor's preference and the patient's health condition. If it is done with general anesthesia, the patient stays in the hospital for one night. Then, an elastic corset that covers both breasts is worn and the patient is discharged. The patient can go out and walk by wearing a corset starting from the next day. It is not an extremely painful surgery. Using a simple pain reliever for a few days is usually sufficient. Those doing light desk work can return to work after 3-4 days. Edema and bruising due to surgery will subside within 7-10 days. However, for the first 7-10 days, one should not do heavy work, avoid moving their arms excessively, or do heavy sports. The patient can continue his normal life after using the corset for 3-4 weeks.